Why Badger and Fox live underground?

It is said that at one time beasts and animals were tailless. Only the lion king had a tail.

It was very difficult to live without a tail. In the winter they still lived somehow, but as soon as the summer came the fly and there was no escape from the mosquito. No matter how much they called for help, there was no helper.

Learned of this the king of beasts and ordered everyone to come and get a tail from him. King messengers flew around the world to summon beasts. Փող փչեցին, beat drums, woke everyone up. They told everyone except the bear. They searched hard and finally found him sleeping in the cave. They woke him up and ordered him to go immediately and get a tail . But the bear was not in a hurry, he was walking calmly. He looked around, looking for honey. Here he saw a blow on the tree, must gather strength before I can reach the king. The tree rose, full of honey. Mumbling with joy, he began to take out honey with his paws and eat greedily. He was satisfied when he saw that he was lost in the honey. How do I look like a king? He entered the river, swam and lay down to sleep.

During this time the Gauls gathered near the king. The fox came first. He saw different tails, bowed to the king and said:

-My brilliant king, I was the first to respond to your order, let me choose the tail I want.

Well, it did not matter to the lion what tail he would give to the fox.

– Well, choose the one you want.

The cunning fox chose the most beautiful and long tail.

After the fox came the squirrel, and he chose a beautiful tail for himself, then the mink, the belly and the other animals. The last one came rabbit .

-Where have you been? There is only a tiny tail left,- said the lion.

-That is enough for me

After parting everyone tail, the king went to sleep.

It was getting dark, only the bear woke up and remembered that he had to hurry to the king. He reached the palace, but there was no tail left, no beast.

Չարացած returned to his forest. Suddenly, on the way, he saw Badger sitting , admiring her tail.

 -Listen, badger , give me what you need the tail for.

What do you say, brother bear? How can I give you this beautiful tail?

Do not give it by mistake, I will take it by force,- said the bear, putting his paw on the stomach.

– I will not give it,- he shouted and ran away

A piece of the tail of the bear was left under the bear paw, the tail stuck to him and he went to eat the rest of the honey.

And the stomach was not calm, it seemed to him that the bear would come somewhere and take its tail. And he dug a big nest in the ground and lived there. The wound healed, but a scar remained.One day a fox was passing by, saw the burrow and asked,

– What is the top?

– Yes, sister fox, it is a nuisance that if it were not for looking for food, I would not go out at night. And he told what had happened. The fox thought that his tail was more beautiful than his belly, and out of fear he went to look for a place. Finally, he dug a hole in the ground and entered.

From that day on, the fox and the fox badger to live in the dungeon.

The Tramp

Դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը: Tramp- թափառական, tapped – թափ տալ , fed up – նեռվայնացած

Կարմիրով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա ժամանակով: He woke the tramp up and said . He wake the tramp up and say . He is very fed up . He be very fed up .

Կապույտով գրված նախադասությունները՝ անցյալով: I haven’t got a watch . I hasn’t got a watch . I am sorry to bother you . I was sorry to bothered you .

Կանաչով գրված նախադասությունները՝ ապառնիով:  One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked. One of them will tap him on the shoulder and ask . He went back to sleep. He go back to sleep .He read the sign, woke up the tramp and said. He will read the sign , wake up the tramp and say .

Answer the questions

  1. What was doing a tramp late at night? He was sleeping at night .
  2. Where he was sleeping? He was sleeping on the park .
  3. Was it day or night? It was night .
  4. Who was walking past? Man and women were walking past .
  5. Was he pleased by waking up? No .
  6. Did he have a watch? No the tramp haven’t watch .
  7. What did the tramp do? He went back to sleep .
  8. What did he write on the paper? He write that , he didn’t have a watch .
  9. Who wake the tramp up? A man wake up the tramp .
  10. What did the policeman say? The policeman says that , It’s 2:30 o’clock .

Complete the sentences

  1. A tramp was sleeping on the park at night .
  2. One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked .
  3. The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up .
  4. Some time later another man was passing .
  5. Half an hour later, a policeman was passing .


  • Դուրս գրել անծանոթ բառերը:
  • Գտնել կարմիրով նշված բառերի հոմանիշները՝ beautiful-pretty , wish – want , stone – , variety – diversity , delicious – tasty , much – enough , replied – retort
  • Գտնել կապույտով նշված բառերի հականիշները՝ happy-sad , under – over , in front of – behind , sat – stand, rise , found -dissolve , cold – hot, after – before all – none , young – old, appeared – disappear, soon – later, asleep – awake, began – cease, demon – angel
  • Գրեք պատում հետևյալ վերնագրով՝ <<If I had a magic stick>> <<Եթե կախարդական փայտիկ ունենայի>>

                                                If I had a magic stick 

If I had a magic stick I will enchant the world with goodness . That will be so awesome . In that world everyone will be happy and will smile every time and no one will not be sad and broken . If I had magic stick people who are not clever will to make clever . If I had magic stick I will make everyone to love life and world . If I had magic stick I will do something special for people .

Մայիսյան հավաք . English

Հարցեր- Questions

  • Who are you? Tell about yourself/ name, age, hobbies, activities/
  • Do you have any favourite books? What book gave you read? Tell and present that book. Would you advise that book to your friends?
  • Do you have friends? Who is your best friend and why? What do you appreciate in your friend?
  • What places do you like in Armenia? Where have you been? Where would you like to go and why?
  • What can you tell us about Armenia and London?

The park . Self – examination

Read the text and do the tasks.

The park

Jim had a big brother. His name was Sam. Sam was 11 years old. Jim liked to spend time with his brother. They always had a lot of fun together. Jim wanted to go with Sam to the park.

“Can we go to the park?” said Jim.

“Okay. We can go to the park. But we need to ask Mum,” said Sam.

Jim and Sam went to see Mum.

“Mum, can Sam and I go to the park?” Jim said to Mum.

Mum looked out the window at the blue sky. “I would like to go to the park, too. Let’s see if Dad wants to go to the park, too,” said Mum.

Jim, Sam and Mum went to see Dad.

“Dad, do you want to come to the park with Mum, Sam and me?” Jim said to Dad.

Dad looked out of the window. “Let’s all go to the park!” Dad said. Jim put on his hat, and off they went.

Պատասխանիր հարցերին/Answer the questions.

  1. Who is Jim’s brother? He’s brother is Sam .
  2. Where did Jim want to go? Jim wanted to went to the park .
  3. Who did Jim ask last? Jim last asked his dad .
  4. Why did Mum and Dad want to go? They wanted to go , because sky is blue and is good weather .
  5. What did Jim do at the end? Jim put on his hat and off they went .
  6. Why do you think Sam said, ‘We need to ask Mum? Sam said that , because can mum didn’t allow .
  • Կարմիր գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ապառնի ժամանակով/Write sentences in red in the Future Tense. Sam was 11 years old. Sam will be 11 years old. Jim and Sam went to see Mum. Jim and Sam will go to see Mum .
  • Կանաչ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա անորոշ ժամանակաձևով/ Write sentences in green in Present Simple Tense Mum looked out the window at the blue sky. Mum looks out the window at the blue sky. Jim said to Dad. Jim says to Dad .
  • Կապույտով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա շարունակական ժամանակաձևով/ Write sentences in blue in Present Continuous Tense.  Dad looked out of the window. Dad is looking out of the window. Jim put on his hat. Jim is putting on his hat .


How Fly saved the river

Տեքստի ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական:

One day a giant moose came to this river. Did a giant moose come to this river one day? . One day a giant moose didn’t come to tis river.

All the animals laughed at Fly. Did all the animal laugh at fly ? All the animals didn’t laugh at fly

I will gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away. Will i gnaw … ?

We need another plan. Does we need another plan ? We don’t need another plan .

I am the strongest. Am I the strongest ? I am not the strongest .

The moose was unable to stop Fly.

The animals never saw him again.

Կապույտով նշված բառերը թարգմանիր:

Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները` beautiful, giant , big , bigger , thirsty , tiny , dark , strong , strongest . weakest , scared , tightly ,special

Տեքստից դուրս գրիր մակբայերը՝ tightly

Ին՞չ կենդանիներ կան տեքստում, դուրս գրիր, ին՞չ հետաքրքիր փաստեր գիտես կենդանիների մասին, համացանցից դուրս հանիր և պատրաստիր ռադիո նյութ հետևյալ վերնագրերով՝ <Do you know ?> կամ <It’s interesting to know >

Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը
Why didn’t the other animals think Fly’s plan would work?
a) Bear was too scared.
b) Fly was too small.
c) The moose was too fast.
d) Fly had a broken wing.
2) What problem was the moose causing?
a) He was destroying the animals’ homes.
b) He was being mean to the animals.
c) He was drinking too much water.
d) He was eating all their food.
3) Which line from the story shows that Fly is determined (strong-minded)?
a) “I’ll never stop.”
b) “Hooray for Fly!”
c) “But the moose is twice your size!”
d) “So, what’s the plan?”
4) Fly is the smallest animal in the story. In what way is he the strongest? Explain
your answer.

He is strongest way of thing . He is small , but he can do everything as he can .

5) What was the moose doing that made the animals call him a pest?

Moose drinking much water , than other animals , and that is pest , because the river is going down .

6) How Fly Saved the River

Fly flew onto the moose’s back. Holding on tightly, he bit the moose as hard as he could. A few minutes later the moose ran away and no one saw him again .

Տեղադրիր a, an, some, any
Please get …….. bread from the baker’s.

b) a

c) an

d) some

  1. We need …..money to buy …..present for ……mother’s Birthday.

a) any


c) an

d) some

  1. Dad, there are …..letters for you.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

  1. There aren’t …… books on the shelf.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

  1. It is …….elephant.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

  1. Thanks a lot. Can I have ……water first?

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

  1. It is …………very interesting story about animals.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

Կարդա հետևյալ տեղեկությունները կենդանիների մասին և ընտրիր, թե յուրաքանչյուր հատվածը որ կենդանու մասին է՝ cat, dog, hamster, lizard, fish, parrot

1.It is a good friend. Takes it out for walks every day. Feed it meat and give it water to drink.
It is a dog .

  1. It needs an aquarium to swim. Change the water and clean the quarium regulary. Feed your pet special food once a day.

It is a fish .

  1. It needs a warm house. It needs rocks and plants to climb on. Feed it insects, spiders, mice or rats and give it water to drink.

It is a lizard .

  1. It is very friendly and likes to play outside. It sleeps a lot and needs a quiet and warm place to rest. Feed it special biscuits, meat or fish and water to drink.

It is a cat.

  1. It needs a cage where it can run around and a box to sleep in. Feed your pet seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables and give water to drink.

It is a hamster .

  1. It needs a big cage. Don’t forget to clean the cage. Pet your pet fly outside the cage regularly. Feed your pet seeds and give water to drink

.It is a parrot .

Where is my ticket ?

Տեղադրեք a, an, the որտեղ անհրաժեշտ է։

It was a nice place with a green trees near the river.  The boys are playing football in the yard. They spoke much about modern literature and art. I have an idea of going for a walk as far as a station. Shall we go to London by train or by bus.

  • Նախադասությունները գրեք անցյալ, ներկա շարունակական, ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով:

1. They go to the cinema every Sunday. They are going to the cinema. They will go to the cinema every Sunday. They went to the cinema every Sunday.

2. She eats ice-cream in summer. She is eating ice-cream . She will eat ice-cream in summer. She ate ice-cream in summer.
3. The boys play football in the yard. The boys are playing football in the yard . The boys will play football in the yard. The boys played football in the yard.
4. The children have got five lessons at school. The children are having got five lessons at school. The children will have got five lessons at school. The children had got five lessons at school.
5. Jane usually goes to bed at 10 o’clock. Jane is going to bed . Jane will go to bed at 10 o’clock. Jane went to bed at 10 o’clock.

How cook biscuit .

Hi today I will say how cook biscuit . Beat 3 eggs , add two hundred gram sugar , then add two hundred gram sour cream , add 1 teaspoon soda , then add 1 cup coffee oil , add cacao and add flour , to get a slightly sold mass of sour cream . Then we will fill into a plate and will put into oven . Set the oven to two hundred degress . And this moment you will think how check if the cake was baked or not . You will check with the help of chopticks . Ok bye and I think you will all like the biscuit.

A bigger hand is better !

Կարդա տեքստը, դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը և կատարիր առաջադրանքերը։Կանաչ գունով նշված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական։

One day a woman went shopping to the market with her small son.

– One day a women didn’t went shopping …

? Did one day a women go shopping …

The man liked the small boy.

– The man didn’t like the small boy .

? Did the man like the small boy ?

The boy went up to the box of cherries.

– The boy didn’t go up to the box of cherries .

? Did the boy go up to the box of cherries ?

The man took a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy.

– The man didn’t took a bid handful of cherries and gave them to the boy .

? Did the man take a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy

Գրիր հետևյալ ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները /bad, big, comfortable, happy, fat, wonderful, interesting/

Օրինակ.՝ small-smaller-the smallest

                   good-better-the best

                   beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful

Bad-bad, worse , worst

Big-big, bigger, biggest.

Comfortable-comfortable, more comfortable, most comfortable.

Happy-happy, happier, happiest .

Fat-fat, fatter, fattest

Wonderful-wonderful, more wonderful, most wonderful.

Interesting-interesting, more interesting, most interesting